Williamsport's Homemade Days

If it’s all about the numbers, these are some mighty good ones: decades of tradition, almost 100 craft vendors, nearly twenty food vendors, and live music thrown in for good measure add up to Homemade Days in Williamsport this month. After a few years at the river, it returned to its Brandon Park birthplace in 2013, where it will make its home again on Saturday and Sunday, June 25 and 26 (Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.). There is no fee for the weekend.
Bands will take the stage of the Dr. Kenneth Cooper Band Shell (named after the late obstetrician who was the long-time chairman of both the Brandon Park Commission and the Shade Tree Committee, and who had a hand in the tree-greening of Williamsport). Craft and jewelry vendors come from the local region as well as nearby states.